Work - Web design Leeds, Big Red Circle we do web design and web applications

Our Work, mostly websites

Nouveaux Online Promotional Website

Nouveaux is a small family run business in Liverpool who build conservatories for people. They know the importance of marketing and how the internet has come to save us all. It never hurts to be a little over dramatic. This is where BigRedCircle stepped in.

Nouveaux Online Conservatories website
Making the best conservatory website in Liverpool

After evaluating the competition, the next task was to come up with a way of creating 'The best conservatory website in Liverpool' (if not the world). I knew it would need to be highly usable, which is good because we are usability experts and I knew it would need to be accessible. People will be looking for conservatories so some good search engine optimisation was in store.

There is nothing I could take for granted about the people who were going to use this site. Anyone could be looking at it on any device in almost any browser.

The "famous" 3 step conservatory quote

Yes its famous all right, and it takes less than 30 seconds to complete. I knew the website had to differentiate itself from its competitors and after much deliberation with the lads at Nouveaux we decided to put together an online quote generator.

Would you believe that quoting for a conservatory is not an easy thing to do? With so many variations in cost, size, style, position, interior decoration it was not going to be as simple as 1-2-3.

After stripping away piece by piece we got it down to a more friendly amount of options. We knew it must be simple, our Granddads must be able to use it. If it gets too complicated people won't bother. With all of this in mind we put our usability expertise to the test.

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Design Portfolio Online Quote Creator Promotional Homepage
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